3DICA v2.22b
- The Ultimate 3D Coding Tutorial (C) Ica /Hubris 1996,1997,1998
- Over 150k of pure sh...er, 3d coding power!
2. 3D Geometry
2.1 The Relationship Between 2D and 3D Worlds
A point in 3-space is defined by three coordinates: x, y, and
z. We can't draw a point like this straight to the computer screen. Hence,
we need a formula with which we can make the x and y coordinates somehow
dependent on the z coordinate. Let's think about the case. A point can
be multiplied by a constant the result point staying on a line that goes
through the origin and the original point:
k*(X, Y, Z) = (kX, kY, kZ)
If we define the origin as the location of the camera, we can use this
formula and take 1/z as k. Now the z coordinate is a constant:
1/Z * (X, Y, Z) = (X/Z, Y/Z, 1).
This kind of points lie on the plane z=1. If we want our plane to be closer
/ farther, we can change the formula a bit:
a/Z * (X, Y, Z) = (X*a/Z, Y*a/Z, a)
(Using a actually affects the perspective.) Now the equation of
the projection plane is z=a,
so all points in the 3-space are transformed onto this plane in a way that
they stay on a line that goes through the origin and the original point.
The formula is thus the following:
SCALE tells the perspective value of the world. Usually values like
256 are used but try yourself and find the best value suitable for your
purposes! When the z value is changed, we notice a 3D effect.
Note! If z reaches somehow the value zero, the program
naturally crashes (division by zero). Be careful!
Example: Visualizing three dimensions with a pseudo code (plots
a pixel to the center of the screen. When the z value changes, it vanishes
from the screen):
x = 1
y = 1
z = 256
while (gx<320) and (gx>-1) and (gy<200) and (gy>-1)
gx = x * 256 / z + 160 ; center = the center of the screen
gy = y * 256 / z + 100 ; (mode 320x200)
z = z - 1
if (z = 0)
z = -1 ; just to ensure...
It's very easy to improve the code above to make it a 3D starfield, a basic
and widely used effect in the demoscene half a decade ago. A good excercise
2.2 The Matrix Technique -- Foreword
NOTE! Even if you didn't understand a word about matrices,
see the source code, and use some cut'n'paste to create a base of your
own 3D engine. Later when you feel ready, come back and learn more about
3D geometry; using matrix technique doesn't demand too much knowledge.
In the matrix technique, the orientation of an object is presented with
an object matrix, which consists of three vectors (the directions
down, left, and forward). Every operation is performed
to the matrix, and not until in a certain point the vertices are taken
into account by multiplying them by the object matrix.
This technique has many advantages: it's faster, easier to understand,
and more exact than the 'traditional' way we usually see in 3D tutorials.
In what way more exact, you ask.
Let's take an airplane as an example (yeah, straight from otmmatx.doc
:) The original orientation of the plane is as follows: the nose points
to the direction of the z-axis, the right wing to the direction of the
x-axis, and the y-axis pointing to the 'up' direction of the plane. Rotate
the plane about the y-axis so that the nose points to the direction of
the negative x-axis. Now when you rotate it about z-axis, does it turn
around its own z-axis or the space's z-axis? It should
turn around its own axis (or how could you implement a flight simulator
otherwise?), but with basic rotations this is not what happens. So matrices
are used.
In 3D coding, we use 4x4 matrices in which the data is located as follows:
In English, the three first cells of the three first rows tell the
coefficients of the object's axis vectors (x, y, z), and the three
first cells of the bottom row tell the center point of the object. The
last column is always (0, 0, 0, 1).
Note! The axis vectors are unit vectors; hence their
length should always be one!
It would maybe be better to format the object matrix always so that
the object lies (as in the plane example) on the xz plane, so it is naturally
a unit matrix (see 1.2.1). Now the unit vectors of the object's axes are
i, j, and k, the same as the vectors of the world
(Nearly) all 3D operations in matrix technique are done using matrix
2.3 Rotating the Object Matrix

So we get the rotated object matrix O from the formula
NOTE! In the versions <2.2 of 3dica I recommended using
precalculated trigonometric functions to speed up the engine. The Pentium
performs trigonometric functions so fast there's no sense in consuming
memory to get a large enough table. For example, when using big hierarchical
objects, we'd need enormous trigonometric tables to get a good enough result.
This is due to cumulativity and the possibly huge size of the object. Thanks
to the #coders gurus who enlightened me in this topic.
2.3.1 Rotating about an arbitrary vector
Where does one need this formula? Well, you need it only if you want the
airplane in the example or any object to rotate right in your engine :)
Also you need this if you want to code keyframing. So the basic formula
is this:
U = n*n(t) + cos(a)*(I-n*n(t)) + sin(a)*N(x).
n = the rotation axis vector
n(t) = the transpose of n
a = rotation angle
I = the unit matrix
N(x) = so-called cross product matrix:
where n* are the elements of the rotation axis vector.
I myself derived the matrix from the formula above and got the following
matrix (works, tested well):
If you try this matrix using the vectors (1,0,0), (0,1,0), and (0,0,1)
as rotation axes one after another, you'll notice you get the right results
(the rotation matrices around the x-, y-, and z-axis). And how to use this?
for a=0 -> 2
axis.x = objectmatrix[a][0] ; in (y,x) syntax
axis.y = objectmatrix[a][1]
axis.z = objectmatrix[a][2]
tm[a] = rotate_with_the_matrix_above(
This is certainly not a too fast way. It works perfectly, though, but if
you have any better suggestions please e-mail me.
Note! Remember to normalize the object matrices after
some frames! The formula requires so much float math the object matrices
tend to 'bend' very quickly. Using doubles, I myself need to normalize
them about every tenth frame.
2.4 The Camera
Wow, it's so easy to attach a real camera into a matrix based engine:
nothing else is needed than multiplying the rotated object matrix by the
camera matrix! (Ok, you must also fiddle with the center points but
that's a minor thing.) In practice:
[Rotate & translate the camera matrix]
for every object:
[Normalize the object matrix if needed]
[Rotate & translate the object matrix]
[Substract the camera center from the object center]
[Multiply the upper left 3x3 of the object matrix by the camera
[Rotate the object center by the camera matrix]
And that's it!
Note! Remember to transform vertices with the O'
matrix and normals with the O matrix (otherwise the light
sources are rotated also when the camera is rotated).
There are good camera routines (including camera moving) in the
source code, go check 'em out!
2.4.1 Deriving the camera matrix from a vector
Chem asked about the use of this chapter. Just to let everyone to know,
cameras in 3D Studio are defined only by a direction vector, so it's kinda
hard to operate with them without certain mathematical operations and the
information of this chapter.
Ok. This has been The Big Question for many 3D coders. I was also interested
in the topic so much, I derived a 'nice' complicated and hard-to-use way
of doing the thing on a maths class in about three hours. Right after I
had finished, the guy sitting next to me, Jussi Vainionpaa, asked innocently,
"wouldn't this be a bit more useful way?" I went through the system he
had derived in five minutes, and came to the decision that not only his
way was much more elegant, but it also worked better X) So here's the technique
developed by Jussi Vainionpaa. Based on straightforward vector algebra.
Deriving a rotation matrix for the camera from a single vector to whose
direction the camera is pointing (z = camera forward, y =
camera down, j = world down, (j dot z)*z =
the projection of j on z):
The world's down vector j is known: (0,1,0). We calculate the component
of j parallel to z, (j dot z)*z, and
substract it from j, the result being y:
y = j - (j dot z)*z.
(vector projection, see 1.1.6). The formula
is very straightforward and can be derived straight from the situation
in the picture. It even shrinks due to the speciality of j:
= (0,1,0) - (0*zx+1*zy+0*zz)*(zx,zy,zz)
= (0,1,0) - (zy*zx,zy*zy,zy*zz)
= (-zy*zx,1-zy*zy,-zy*zz).
After normalization, what we have is the final y vector of the camera
(vector normalization, see 1.1.3). The z vector is known, but it
must also be normalized. Finally we get the x vector as the cross
product of y and z (notice the order):
x = yxz.
The x vector needen't to be normalized if y and z
already were unit vectors. Now we place the vectors to the camera matrix
as in the chapter 2.2 and the camera matrix is ready.
Note that if the camera z-axis is equal to the y-axis of the world (or
its opposite or even roughly equal to it), you get (0,0,0) as the
camera y-axis vector. The solution to this problem is to perform a compare
and if needed, to use the world z- or x-axis instead. Thanks to Arho Huttunen
who noticed this first.
Another point by the same dude: if you're reading your camera from a .3DS,
you'll also need rotate the y vector you've got
degrees in
order to get the exact orientation (bank
is a constant which can
be read from the 3DS file).
2.4.2 B-Splines
They sound cool, they look cool, they're cool to use, they simply are
cool. What in the world are they? They are B-splines!
B-splines are actually not lines but curves (ok, clever). They are used
to find a nice way through or near a specified list of key points for example
to smoothen camera movement. A B-spline looks like this:
As you probably noticed, this particular B-spline was created using a formula
that doesn't require the spline to go through all of the key points. I'm
describing here only this one.
A B-spline is constructed using arcs. If we want to form a B-spline
using n arcs, we need n+3 key points, let them be c(0),c(1),...,c(n+2).
The k:th arc (k = 1,2,...,n) of the B-spline is calculated from the formula
rk(t) =
1/6*(1-3t+3t^2-t^3)*c(k-1) +
1/6*(4-6t^2+3t^3)*c(k) +
1/6*(1+3t+3t^2-3t^3)*c(k+1) +
where t ranges linearly from 0 to 1. The more different t values, the more
accurate curve. Note that the ending point of the k:th arc and the starting
point of the k+1:th arc are the same point. Even better, the curve is all
smooth in these most significant points, too, mainly due to the truth that
the shape of an arc is determined by as many as four key points summarized
(see the formula above).
A piece of pseudo that I used to create the picture above:
- point is the key point table
- STEPS is the number of steps
- k is the current arc index
- bl_i = bspline index (zero at first)
for k=1 -> POINTS-2 ; note! start from 1, not 0
while t<1.0
t2=t*t; ; some precalculation
t3=t*t*t; ; more precalculation :)
bspline[bl_i].x =
bspline[bl_i].y =
bspline[bl_i].z =
2.5 Transforming a Vertex by the Object Matrix
Now we need only to transform all the vertices by the rotation matrix,
and we're finished! Transforming can easily be performed by using the information
in the chapter, regarding
a vertex as a vector:
X = X0*a + Y0*d + Z0*g + center_x
Y = X0*b + Y0*e + Z0*h + center_y
Z = X0*c + Y0*f + Z0*i + center_z.
We need thus nine adds and nine multiplies.
Pseudo example (rotating a point around all the three axes with the
matrix technique):
tm (transformation matrix), om (object matrix), t_om (transformed object
matrix) (3,3)-sized float tables
(xp,yp,zp) original point, (x,y,z) rotated point
ox, oy, oz object origo coordinates
ORIGO_X, ORIGO_Y screen center coordinates
reset_matrix(om) ; object matrix is reset only at the beginning
xa,ya,za = 1*PI/180 ; one degree in radians (rotation angles)
ox = 0 ; object SCALE units from the origo along the z-axis
oy = 0
oz = SCALE
xp = 50
yp = 0
zp = 30
loop for each frame:
tm[0,0] = cos(ya)*cos(za)
tm[0,1] = cos(ya)*sin(za)
tm[0,2] = -sin(ya)
tm[1,0] = sin(xa)*sin(ya)*cos(za)-cos(xa)*sin(za)
tm[1,1] = sin(xa)*sin(ya)*sin(za)+cos(xa)*cos(za)
tm[1,2] = sin(xa)*cos(ya)
tm[2,0] = cos(xa)*sin(ya)*cos(za)+sin(xa)*sin(za)
tm[2,1] = cos(xa)*sin(ya)*sin(za)-sin(xa)*cos(za)
tm[2,2] = cos(xa)*cos(ya)
matrix_mul(om,tm) ; transform the object matrix
matrix_mul(t_om,om) ; transform the world matrix
; rotate the point
x = xp*t_om[0,0] + yp*t_om[1,0] + zp*t_om[2,0] + ox
y = xp*t_om[0,1] + yp*t_om[1,1] + zp*t_om[2,1] + oy
z = xp*t_om[0,2] + yp*t_om[1,2] + zp*t_om[2,2] + oz
x = x * SCALE / z + ORIGO_X ; 2D transforming
y = y * SCALE / z + ORIGO_Y
NOTE! The object rotates steadily as long as the angles are
not touched, in other words it stops spinning not until the angles are
set zero. Why? You see, the object matrix is not reset anywhere, so it
rotates always one degree / frame if the angle is kept constant. This kinda
technique is called cumulative rotating, and I strongly suggest
you use it too in your own engine.
2.6 Hierarchical Transformations
Apologies to the OTM people, this part is almost straight from otmmatx.doc
too. X)
Have you ever thought how in the world are implemented games where vector-based
human-like objects move nicely (Tomb Raiders, Quakes, ...)? The thing is
done with hierarchical transformations.
Let's take a human arm as an example. When you move your arm from the
shoulder, the whole arm moves: wrist, palm, fingers, everything. If you
move just your wrist, the arm is not moved above it but palm and fingers
are. The different parts of an arm are thus hierarchically dependent on
each other: the palm can command the fingers but not the wrist; it's located
between them in the hierarchical order. With the same method we can create
a linked list of all parts of the body. In hierarchical systems, an object
is thus divided to parts, and different parts are dependent on other parts.
But how to implement this?
Let's continue with the arm example. The wrist matrix is called R
(the Finnish acronym for a wrist), the palm matrix K and finger
matrices S1, S2, S3, S4, and S5. They're
located in the linked list as follows:
We can rotate the wrist like this:
R = R*XYZr.
The palm must be rotated not only with its own rotation matrix but also
with the formula above,
K = K*XYZk*R, and fingers with
the formula
S? = S?*XYZs?*K.
Note! To use these formulas, the preceding matrix should
be already transformed, so the calculating order is in the linked list
from top to bottom.
2.7 Inverse Transformations
(I wrote this chapter just to annoy Altair a bit :) Using inverse transformations,
we can get rid of vertex normal rotating and perform backface culling (object
culling / portals if you wish, too) before rotating the vertices. This
means of course a remarkable speedup when about 80% of the scene is suddenly
dropped out the calculations even before rotations (that is, before doing
practically anything). Even better, this all is very simple to implement!
I'll take the vertex normal thing as an example.
We use vertex normals to calculate the amount of light hitting a surface.
So, why bother rotating these all using the object matrix when we can achieve
the same result by rotating the light(s) to the opposite direction? Think
about it: you've got a cube (located in the origin) rotated 90 degrees
about the y-axis, and a light source in the negative z-axis infinity pointing
towards the positive z-axis. The most brightness is now got by the side
that was originally facing the positive x-axis (but currently facing the
negative z-axis). If we rotate the light -90 degrees, we get the light
pointing towards the negative x-axis and the highest amount of light hits
the same side as when rotating the vertex normals 90 degrees. So it seems
to work. :)
Nice, but how to implement it? Pas de problem: find the
inverse of the object matrix, transform the light by it and voila!
Since object matrices are always orthogonal (see the matrix stuff in the
1 part of the doc), we can use the transpose as the inverse.
Backface culling, object culling, and portals use the same idea. I'm describing
only backface culling in detail but it can be applied to the others as
So, there are three steps:
1. Find the inverse of the object matrix (transponate it)
2. Transform the camera vector and position by it
3. Perform the following for each face in the object:
a) find the vector between the camera position and any vertex in the face
b) calculate the cosine of the angle between this vector and the camera
vector (that is, perform a simple dot product)
c) examine its sign: if it's positive, the face can be seen, otherwise
Quite straightforward, isn't it? What you've maybe wondering is, why any
of the face vertices suffices. Think: the idea of backface culling is that
if a polygon is not facing the camera, it certainly can't be seen. So we
need only one point in the plane on which the polygon is lying.
Hmm... Maybe a small picture clarifies the case a bit :)
C = inverse-rotated camera vector, alpha = the angle the cosine of which
is wanted, N = the normal of the face (no actual need for it, put it there
just to make the picture a bit clearlier :)
Ok, that's it. Just GO USE 'EM! :)
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