3DICA v2.22b
- The Ultimate 3D Coding Tutorial (C) Ica /Hubris 1996,1997,1998
- Over 150k of pure sh...er, 3d coding power!
5. Shading
Ok, the polygon is rotating on the screen now, but it still looks kinda
boring because the colors remain the same all the time; some realism would
be nice to add.
5.1 Flat Shading
5.1.1 Z-flat
Z-flat is a very annoying-looking shading technique which can be implemented
by giving a polygon the color value depending on the z coordinate average
of the polygon's vertices:
color = max_col - (vertex1.z + vertex2.z + vertex3.z) / a,
where a is some suitable number dividing by which we can get the z average
to the range 0..max_col. Because we're using a coordinate system in which
the z-axis points to the direction to which you probably are looking right
now ;) the z value grows as it goes farther so we must substract the value
we've got from the biggest possible color value max_col.
5.1.2 Lambert Flat
Lambert Flat is a remarkably better-looking technique because it has a
real light source. Additionally, we finally get some use for vectors which
we tried to learn so hard at the beginning of this tutorial ;) The drawback
of lambert flat is the truth that is flickers annoyingly.
The idea is the following: we present the light source as a vector.
For each frame we calculate the normal vector of every polygon (by creating
two vectors from the polygon and by taking the cross product of them) and
calculate the cosine of the angle between the normal and the light source
with the help of dot product -- the smaller angle, the more light. Using
suitable coefficients we can fit this value in a desired range, for example
in a RGB mode to the range 0..63 by multiplying the cosine by 63. Finally
we check if the color value is negative. If it is, we change it to zero
and the polygon is not seen. Some pseudo code again:
- LSi, LSj, LSk are light source's coefficients
- Ni, Nj, Nk normal's coefficients
function LambertFlat
< calculate the coefficients of the polygon normal >
// a = |N| * |LS|
a = sqrt(Ni*Ni + Nj*Nj + Nz*Nz) * sqrt(LSi*LSi + LSj*LSj + LSk*LSk)
if a<>0 (we don't want to divide by zero)
color = max_col * (LSi*Ni + LSj*Nj + LSk*Nk) / a
if color<0
return color
This is a quite slow way (two sqrt's, many muls and a div per polygon),
so a little speedup would be nice.
If the length of both of the vectors is one, we can forget most of the
muls, the div, and both of the sqrt's (how to ensure that the length of
a vector is one, see 1.1.3). We can precalculate the length of the light
source vector; it remains the same even though we wanted to rotate it.
With the normal vectors we can do the same thing but scale the vectors
by max_col so we can save one mul more. Now we can rotate the normals as
if they were coordinates, and the speedup is remarkable. So, in the init
- calculate the normal vector,
- calculate its length,
- multiply the vector by max_col,
- divide it by its length.
Now the function substitutes to the form
function LambertFlat
color = LSi*Ni + LSj*Nj + LSk*Nk
if color<0
return color
5.2 Gouraud Shading
5.2.1 Z-Gouraud
Z-gouraud works right like z-flat. It's a bit boring-looking but far better
than z-flat which sucks badly X) So we take the z coordinate of
a point, divide it by a constant, and substract the result from the maximum
color value; no problem.
5.2.2 "Real" Gouraud
This works like Lambert Flat, but we take the angle between the vertex
(rather than polygon) normal and the light vector.
Vertex normals are normals of the object's surface (the object
being actually approximated using polygons) at the point, so they are in
every vertex perpendicular to the object's (the real object, not
the approximated one) surface. Calculating that kind of normal isn't easy,
so we take just a nice approximation of the real normal by calculating
the average of the normals of the polygons hitting the vertex:
1. set all vertex normals to zero
2. for each face, calculate the face normal and add it to the vertex normal
each vertex it is touching
3. normalize all vertex normals
Not an easy job, implementing that, so here's some pseudo code again.
The pseudo uses an another possible way:
1. find the faces touching each vertex
2. add the face's normal to the vertex normal
3. divide the vertex normals by the number of faces touching it (it's the
you know)
4. normalize the vertex normals
This is of course a slower way, but I just hadn't time to code a pseudo
of the faster technique :I Anyway, it works.
function CalcNormals
< calculate the normal of one plane; this function (c) Jeroen Bouwens
if I remember right >
function calcnor(X1,Y1,Z1,X2,Y2,Z2,X3,Y3,Z3,NX,NY,NZ)
int RelX1,RelY1,RelZ1,RelX2,RelY2,RelZ2
< face = polygon table, vertex = vertex table >
int i,a,ox,oy,oz
float cx,cy,cz,len,cn
for i=0 -> num_of_vertices-1
for a=0 -> num_of_faces-1
< if the face touches the vertex i >
if ((face[a][0]=i) or (face[a][1]=i) or (face[a][2]=i))
< the function returns to (ox,oy,oz) the normal vector >
vertex[face[a][0]].x,vertex[face[a][0]].y, vertex[face[a][0]].z,vertex[face[a][1]].x,
vertex[face[a][1]].y,vertex[face[a][1]].z, vertex[face[a][2]].x,vertex[face[a][2]].y,
< (cx,cy,cz) will carry the average of the plane normals, cn is
incremented because it tells how many normals have been calculated into
c* >
< if some polygon touches the vertex >
if cn > 0
< calculate the length of the normal >
if len = 0
< normalize the vectors >
And the code is used like in Lambert flat.
Note! This technique doesn't work right in this way: if
a face is made of many triangles (as in 3DS), it is added twice to the
sum of face normals and gets thus too much weight. This may look annoying.
The problem can be solved by checking if a normal value has
already been used when calculating a vertex normal.
5.3 Phong Shading
5.3.1 Phong Illumination
Phong illumination means that we can make gouraud look like phong by fixing
the palette. Ok, it looks better than ordinary gouraud. The formula of
phong illumination is this:
color = ambient + (cos x) * diffuse + (cos x)^n * specular,
where ambient is the color of a polygon when it's not hit by light
(minimum color that is), diffuse is the original color of the
polygon, and specular the color of a polygon when it's hit by
a perpendicular light (the maximum color). x is the angle between
the light vector and the normal, and it's allowed to change between -90
and 90 degrees. Why not 0..360 degrees? Because when the angle is over
90 degrees, no light hits the polygon and we ought to use the minimum value
ambient. So we must perform a check, and if the angle is not in
the required range, we give it the value 90 degrees, and cosine gets the
value zero the color getting the value ambient. n is
the shininess of the polygon (some people maybe remember it from rendering
programs). Try and find a suitable value for each purpose!
5.3.2 Environment mapping
Many people mix real phong and env-mapping, but they're two very different
things. In env-mapping we use a bitmap (environment map) from which we
get color values for pixels. Using this technique, we can create different
types of patterns to shading, and surfaces begin to look for example metallic.
Env-mapping works like gouraud, but instead of calling a gouraud filler
we call a texture filler, and instead of using the angles like in gouraud
we use the x and y coefficients of the normals as indices into a bitmap.
This technique doesn't allow moving light sources but they can be used
with the following little trick:
- LS is the light vector
- N[0..2] are the vertex normals of a triangle
- cx1, cy1 etc are the coords into an env-map
- env-map is a 256x256-sized bitmap
if ( LS.k <= 0 ) ; we use the technique straight
cx1 = env_crd( N[0].i - LS.i )
cy1 = env_crd( N[0].j - LS.j )
cx2 = env_crd( N[1].i - LS.i )
cy2 = env_crd( N[1].j - LS.j )
cx3 = env_crd( N[2].i - LS.i )
cy3 = env_crd( N[2].j - LS.j )
a = N[0].i + LS.i ; addition instead of substraction
; - LS.i is the opposite to the one above
if (a<0)
a = a + 1 ; move to the opposite side
cx1 = env_crd( a ) ; convert
a = N[0].j + LS.j
if (a<0)
cy1 = env_crd ( a )
a = N[1].i + LS.i
if (a<0)
cx2 = env_crd( a )
a = N[1].j + LS.j
if (a<0)
cy2 = env_crd ( a )
a = N[2].i + LS.i
if (a<0)
cx3 = env_crd( a )
a = N[2].j + LS.j
if (a<0)
cy3 = env_crd ( a )
texture( x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, cx3, cy3 )
function env_crd ( float value )
a = value * 127 + 128
return a
The function env_crd converts a normal coefficient (at the range -1..1)
to a coordinate into the env-map (0..255, brightest in the center).
At the beginning we checked if the z coefficient of the light vector
is positive or negative. This because positive and negative coefficients
require different calculations; positive values require a bit fixing. With
negative values of the coefficient we can calculate the coordinates into
the env-map like this (as in the pseudo code): we substract the normal
x and y coefficients from the light coefficients before transforming them
into the env-map space. Where's the z coefficient? We don't need it, but
because these vectors should be unit vectors, we can give it weight by
decrementing the values of x and y coefficient: for example if the x and
y coefficients are both 0.5, the z coefficient has the weight 0.7 (vector
length: 0.5^2 + 0.5^2 + 0.7^2 = 1).
This technique doesn't work with light sources having a positive
z coefficient, they require the following: the z coefficient is
positive and the vector (-LS.i,-LS.j,-LS.k) is the opposite for the light
vector. If we fool the routine to think the light vector to be the opposite
(at the other side), we can get exactly the opposite result as we need.
Why like this? This opposite light vector has of course a negative z coefficient
and we can use the technique above. We can get the right result from the
opposite one by moving the values at the center to the edges and vice versa
-> tada: we've got the original light vector!
5.3.3 "Real" Phong
[Chem] For the One and Only Phong shading we need the following four vectors:
- light to surface
- surface normal
- camera to surface
- the reflection vector (the vector that is being computed)
In the loop, we interpolate the upper three vectors, and the brightness
value can be found as follows:
The light hits the surface and reflects in a way that the angle between
the light and the normal equals the angle between the reflection ray and
the normal (b's in the picture). x = the angle between
the reflection ray and the camera vector.
color = ambient + (cos b) * diffuse + (cos x)^n * specular
Note the locations of b and x. Ambient is the
color value of a surface (this is the same for every pixel in the surface
but may vary from object to object) when there's no light hitting the point
at all. Diffuse is the texel value (bitmap pixel color) at the
current point, specular is the light value reflecting from the
object depending on the angle between the reflection ray and the camera,
and n is the shininess of the object.
5.4 Light Source Handling
These techniques work with all shading techniques. Actually they're very
straightforward. So straightforward I derived them from the beginning by
myself :)
5.4.1 Freely moving lightsources
The only problem is, how to keep the light vector up-to-date. How could
it be done? Ha, piece of cake! We save only the location of the light,
calculate the vector from this point to the vertex to be drawn (or any
other point of which the normal vector is), and normalize it. That's it!
The new light vector is ready for use.
5.4.2 Spotlights
..I hear a voice whining that the technique above works only with point
light sources, but not with spotlights. So I thought at first. But no problem:
they can actually be implemented very easily. We just also save the original
light vector and the angle of the spotlight. When we've built the new light
vector, we check if the angle between it and the normal vector is greater
than the angle of the spotlight. If yes, the light is round zero (or perform
a nice little ratio between the angles and you get a soft-edged spotlight!),
otherwise the value can be get normally from the angle between the light
vector and the normal (or try your own tricks!).
Don't wonder if the edges of your spotlight look weird or it bugs in
some other way when you're using gouraud or flat shading. The problem is
that when we're interpolating linearly between vertices, different polygons
get different-length shades, and the spotlight may look quite annoying.
Any good solutions for the problem would be appreciated ("real phong" is
not accepted ;) Chem suggested splitting the polygons into smaller ones
when going too close to them. Could work, but I can't say anything about
the speed or reliability.
5.4.3 Light attenuation
Just some more basic math: we calculate the distance between every vertex
and the light source, and make the light intensity somehow dependent on
the distance. Then we only calculate :)
; for each vertex in face
for a=0 -> num_of_vertices-1
; calculate the new light vector
l_vector.x = vertex[a].x_coord - light.x_coord
l_vector.y = vertex[a].y_coord - light.y_coord
l_vector.z = vertex[a].z_coord - light.z_coord
distance = sqrt((l_vector.x)^2 + (l_vector.x)^2 +
; normalize the new light vector
l_vector.x = l_vector.x / distance
l_vector.y = l_vector.y / distance
l_vector.z = l_vector.z / distance
; calculate brightness
brightness = 1 - (distance/light.fadezedo)^fogness
; calculate the light values
light_at_vertex[a] = gouraud(vertex1.normal,brightness)
function gouraud (param normal, brightness)
color = ( l_vector.x*normal.x + l_vector.y*normal.y +
l_vector.z*normal.z ) * brightness
if color<0
else if color>255
color = 255 ; or your maximum color...
return color
Ok. Light.fadezero gives us the distance the light is exactly
zero. Fogness is a scene constant (Chem thinks it's not a very
logical name for the variable :) which tells how the light dims. Values
between 0.5 and 2 should do the job for most purposes.
This is of course not the one and only way, there sure are many others,
too. I just happen to think this is the best one (yes, I have tried
the 1/distance^2 method :)
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