6.1 Backface Culling
The idea of backface culling is simple: if a polygon is a backface
(it's not facing the camera), there's no need to draw it. This can be checked
by finding the z value of its normal and by examining its sign. This won't
work if the faces haven't been defined right, so be careful (for example
3D Studio creates the correct type of faces; the vertices are in counterclockwise
order). Here's a pseudo-backface-culler:
function backface(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
; find the z value of the cross product
if ( (x3-x1)*(y3-y2) - (x3-x2)*(y3-y1) > 0 )
6.2 View Cone
View cone means the conical area that can be seen by looking at
some direction. Here's a picture of a view cone:
(C = camera point, P = projection plane. The camera point is actually the
watcher's eye, and the projection plane is the computer screen.) So there
are five planes against which we must clip (or six planes if we want to
use a back plane in a defined maximum range when using fog or light attenuation
for example). If a polygon is not inside the cone, we can drop it out the
calculations and save a great amount of processing time. If it's partly
inside, we clip it against the cone and draw only the part which is inside.
The more elegant (and faster) form of view cone uses 3D clipping to clip
this kind of polygons but I recommend using graphical clipping in the polygon
routine at first; it's far more straightforward to implement and it works,
too (ok there's a problem with the z thing).
The thing is done by comparing the 2Dx, 2Dy, and z coordinates to the
screen edges and by acting accordingly. Applying to the z coordinate, we
don't draw the polygon if any of its vertices' z is less than zero;
we can't draw or interpolate right a polygon like that. If your scene bugs
with this, please read the following chapter. Pseudo:
SOME vertex.x at the range 0..MAX_X
SOME vertex.y at the range 0..MAX_Y
6.2.1 3D clipping
This is a bit trickier thing to implement. It's best if you're using n-sided
polygons; a clipped triangle might become a quadrangle, and if you were
using only triangles, you should create two triangles out of it. No good.
Anyway, some pseudo to clip the z's (really not the one and only way to
do the thing, try your own ways!):
; check the z's
for a=0 -> vertices_in_poly-1
if z[a]>1 ; or zero if this doesn't work with you
if (not every_z_out) and (not every_z_in)
perform 2d transformations
if every_z_in
That's the main idea. Clipping can be performed by using the parametric
equation of a line (((x0,y0,z0) = vertex 1 etc):
x = x0 + t*(x1-x0)
y = y0 + t*(y1-y0)
z = z0 + t*(z1-z0)
Z-clip: we define z=0.5 and calculate t:
z0 + t*(z1-z0) = 0.5
t = (0.5-z0) / (z1-z0)
This is placed into the equations of x and y:
x = x0 + (x1-x0)*(0.5-z0)/(z0-z1)
y = y0 + (y1-y0)*(0.5-z0)/(z0-z1)
z = 1
And these are the new coordinates of the vertex!
6.3 Portals
Portals are very simple and easy to understand and implement (at
least the most primitive versions :) Using them, we can eliminate 70-80%
of polys from our calculations and do it even before rotating anything
(another story)!
Portals require the whole scene to consist of rooms. Each room
has not only its own polygons but also invisible portal polygons
in the holes (doors, windows, ...) through which one can see into another
rooms. Portal polygons are handled just like any normal polygon. The difference
between normal and portal polygons is that when a portal polygon should
be drawn, we just move into the room it's pointing if it's seen. We continue
like this until we're satisfied with the result. It's worth noticing that
portal polygons which are too far away needen't to be handled either. Another
point is that polygons in the next rooms can only be seen though the portal
polygons of the preceding rooms.
There are many ways to implement portals. Some like the rooms consist
of convex polygons and all polygons to be clipped against the portal polygons
(SLOW!). There are numerous other ways, too, just find the best one for
your purposes!
An interesting thing is that we can eliminate most rooms just by backface-culling
the portal polygons; if the portal is a backface, the room it's pointing
can't be seen!