David Landau's Homepage
FM (M.A.) 1993, Department of English Philology, University of Helsinki.
DI (MSc. in Engineering) 2003, Department of Information Technology,
Tampere University of Technology.
Master of art thesis: A Semantic Study of Yiddish-origin
Lexemes in English (1993)
Addendum (2017)
Master of science thesis: Digitizing text
heritage (2003)
Database of the Gothic Language
The study of old texts with the aid of digital technology: the Gothic manuscripts (2001)
Ancient Synagogues in the Holy Land, What
Synagogues? (1995)
The So-called Ancient Synagogue at Beth Alpha Revisited
The Montanists and the Jubilees Calendar. Oriens
Hefte für die Kunde des Christlichen Orients
[89. Jg. 2005], pp. 103 - 112
On the reading and interpretation of the month-line in the Gothic calendar.
Transactions of the Philological Society. 2006. Vol. 104 (1), 3 - 12.
The Source
of the Gothic Month Name jiuleis and its Cognates.
Namenkundliche Informationen. 2009. Vol. 95/96, pp. 239-248.
The Jubilees
Calendar in Practice.
Namenkundliche Informationen.
2010. Vol. 98, pp. 157-167.
Information on Valter Henrik Juvelius in Finnish Sources
Valter Henrik Juvelius - unhodettu tutkimusmatkailija. 1999.
HaKehila, nro 4/1999, 1/5760. pp. 13-14.
Alastair Begg 1951-1999, in Memoriam
Two sites of Jewish interest in Lillehammer, Norway:
Sigrid Undset's home
– Bjerkebæk
Ernst and Gertrud Aberle's Grave in the
Pages 209 and 210 of
Gothic Palimpsests: Ezra 2: 9-42 or Nehemiah 7:
13-45? ZfdA 4/140 (2011), S. 421-441.
The Sinking of the Titanic and the Northern
The Northern Light – a Kinetic
Sculpture in the Sky. The Swissair Gazette, 1/1986, p.13
364 päivän kalenteri. Hakehila,
2/2012, s.22-23.
kalenteri Tampereella ja Qumranissa. Jedidut 2/2012, s.14-15.
Calender in Tampere and in Qumran
alkuperä. Jedidut
4/2012, s.4-5.
The Origin of the Finnish Word Joulu
The Hebraica Collection of Helsinki
University. Suomen Silta, 3/1988.
Suomen Joulu-Sanan alkuperä on heprea (The Origin
of the Finnish Word Joulu is from Hebrew). A letter to the editor of Aamulehti,
January 13, 2013
Tammi(kuu) = Kaksoset(?). Jedidut 1/2013,
Tammi(kuu) = Gemini (?)
Charedimien maailmassa - blogi. Hakehila 1/2013
2/5773, s.15
Israelin maassa (Ancient Synagogues in the Land of
Ancient Synagogues in the Land of
Israel (2013)
The Lost Temples of Maximinus Daia (2013)
The Zodiac at Beth Alpha Follows 1 Enoch 82 (2013)
The Liturgical (Church) Year is a 364-day Year (2013)
Traces of Hebrew and Aramaic in the Gothic Translation St. Matthew
Traces of 1 Enoch in the Finnish Language
Source of the Term Molotov cocktail
The Melody of 'erev
shoshanim' with Finnish Lyrics
(in Hebrew, 2015)
Syys = Kurki (?)
Kirkkovuosi on
364-päiväinen vuosi. Hakehila 1/2015 3/5775 Jedidut 1 2015
Sampo=Shemesh(?). Hakehila
2/2015 4/5775
קאמיניטו דל
ריי - שביל
המלך (Caminito del Rey, in Hebrew)
Caminito del Rey (October 2015)
Granada, Spain: The Mysterious 'Mailbox' - a
Perfect Scam?
Studying the Gothic
Palimpsests with the Help of Digital Technology:
the Calendar, the Book of Ezra, the Book of Nehemiah
(November 2016)
A Day Trip from
Venice to the Dolomites with Public Transportation (February 2017)
Clarifying Angelo Mai's Use of Chemicals in Handling Latin Palimpsests
(February 2017)
A comment: A Need for a New
Definition for the Term 'Palimpsests' (September 2017)
Latin Pseudepigraphic Literature in Medieval Period
Studying the Ambrosian Gothic Palimpsests
with the Help of Digital Technology. Presented in the Society of
Biblical Literature/European Association of Biblical Studies
International Meeting at Helsinki, Finland
(August 2018)
Last updated: April 28, 2020