Artificial dandelions in Dresden.

The massive radiator in Museum of hygiene.

Museum of hygiene: on the borderline of historic and Bauhaus.

The transparent Volkswagen factory.

This factory has more interesting design than the average one.

An industrial building that is somewhat different from the industrial area in Prague.

Unlimited colours.

Tram immobilised.

UFA palace is a deconstructivist movie theatre in Dresden.

Signs at Dessau railway station: Bauhaus to the left, centre to the right.

Want some conserved potatoes or cat milk?

Almost the only photo we took of historic Wittenberg.

Hundertwasser designed a school on the frame of a DDR-era building in Wittenberg.

Well, which one is more spherical?

We wondered whether this humor is of Hundertwasser or schoolkid origin.

Well, it seems we took another photo in historic Wittenberg.

The heat necessitates some rest.

Meisterhaus of the Bauhaus school in Dessau.

Just before Timo someone else took the same picture but missed the belly!

The interiors of these Meisterhauses employed more than a hundred shades of colour.

In addition to architecture, Bauhaus also includes many kinds of utensils and art.

Typical big windows of the Bauhaus style.

We will shortly arrive in Dessau.

The Bauhaus school building itself was a disappointment.

Each artist workshop in the school has to have a balcony.

Please, take better care of the Unesco world heritage site!

In Germany a cone of ice cream costs 70 cents. In Finland more like 3 euros.

Siedlung Törten is an experimental suburb built by Bauhaus. It is still in full use.

The communists disliked those windows, so they have been removed from the other copies of this building.