Karhunkierros with Teemu, 2024


Always a skeleton tree at scenic sites.

Lake Vaululampi next to the Puikkokämppä hut.

Raisins at Puikkokämppä.


Neidonkenkä (Calypso bulbosa), the signature plant of Oulanka.

Also a suspended bridge, note the chain in the middle.


The battery fills the most of this particularly sweet little radio.

Kiutaköngäs rapids after the thunder and rain.

Morning fogs at river Oulankajoki before 7 am.

Looks like excavation site but is carved by water.

Morning swim in the vortex of Oulankajoki.

Erosion in action, Oulankajoki.

Kitkanjoki river with a mosaic of small rivers.

More mosaic.

"When are we leaving the river bank? It's a nice river though."

Mosquito net inside the lean-to shelter.

Teemu chilling.

I always carve a butter knife that fits the lid.

Suspension bridge at Harrisuvanto in the morning light.

Water is filtered through hollow fibers in the bottle cap.

Nice stream.

More water from the stream.

Another rapids, we've seen so many.

Kepa was here at Jyrävä before us.

River Porontimajoki and couscous curry.

Vattuvaara hill.

Map is printed on the rock.

A rainy breakfast kitchen on the doorstep in the wood shed.

Magnificient view on the rainy day.

Wooden plank paths at wet and erosion prone spots.

Clouds opened at the Konttainen hill.

View from Konttainen to the East.

Railing at Valtavaara hill.

Teemu carried the goodies.

Top of Valtavaara.

One of the southernmost ruohokanukka (Cornus suecica, Schwedische Hartriegel).

Detour at the top of the Ruka mountain.

We made it.