A new tree will soon be born.

Steps to avoid erosion on the most-walked routes.

The ridge was narrow but a path just fit on the top.

Boat transfer or a floating bridge: pull the ropes and you get to the other side!

Use life jackets! But we couldn't see any.

Härkäjärvi / Heargejávri, "Bull lake"

A hut to accommodate four.

Ravadaspää fell, which we did not climb.

A fell is supposed to have a bald head like this.


Beware of erosion!

Drinkable water everywhere, but not every place is this pretty.

A Pirate party ad?

Timo said he would take this as the kitchen window view. The scarf is to keep the mosquitoes away from my ears and neck.

Cotton-grass (Eriophorum angustifolium) nicely backlit.

It's easy to walk the riverside, cf. civ2 movement rules.

No water this time, but imagine it when the snow is melting.

At midnight, the fog rising from the marshland.

Morning glory at Vaskojoki.

Juniper ripped Timo's pants, Tiiti sews them back together.

Writing the journal. Front: a spirit cooker.

Our path followed this gorge to Látnjoaivi (name in Sami language).

Mountain avens, Dryas octopetala.

The boys who did not find the path.

Norway in the horizon.

Látnjoaivi 592.5 m.

Rain and shine.

The bushes make it hard to see anything. Do you see me?

Waterman from the marsh ditch.

Gold mining in the national park!

We thought that would be a small stream, but gold miners had made it too wide to jump over.

Showing the direction to the gold mines.

Nice sunset colours, though the sun did not actually set.

Signs telling about the gold history (this hut was built in 1940s).

The first piece of gold was found here.


500 m downstream this river was wide and deep, now only up to ankles and thus fordable.


A nice person had marked the way to Morgam-Viipus fell with rocks. Rocky terrain is btw very hard to walk with heavy backpacks.

A former triangulation tower.

Timo on top, his head above 600 m.

Lake Villinkijärvi around midnight.

...and the fog.

Oahojoki hut was warm and cozy.

Vegetation made its marks on the feet.

Tiiti takes a nap at the national park border.

Look very closely and you'll see the tiny red dot Tiiti.

No idea what this is!

We found a bridge and added two more trunks to it.

You get about this close to reindeer before they run away.

Marshland, but fortunately very dry.

Fences separate reindeer herds, and also provide good landmarks. There's always a path at the fence.

See the fence?

Natural beauty.

Setting up the tiny tent at Kuolpunaoja.

Pine doubles as a clothes line.

This fog got us lost.

A hill called Kollumi / Gollum tries to lure Timo.

A potentially wet marsh.

Chilly water straight from the river.

Germans like to paddle in Finland.

Korhosenkoski, small enough to be jumped over.

Tiiti testing if the giant's kettle has a good echo. It didn't.

Guess what! We'll publish the best guess.

The stairs of Mordor climbing up from the Ivalojoki valley.

Only massive bridges can take the spring floods.

80 metres of climbing made the river very small.

The Pahaoja hut, where the old and new meet.

Old Finnish design chairs!

These logs are a hundred years old.

Signs leading to gold mine claims.

A semi-public claim for the members of a club!